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Consentec once again recognised as one of the most renowned consulting firms in the energy sector

Once again, we are delighted that Consentec has been recognised by the Handelsblatt Research Institute (HRI) as one of the most renowned consulting firms in the energy sector based on assessments by a large peer group of management consultants. The Handelsblatt reported on the methodology and results of this analysis on 4 July 2024. The report can be found here(German).


New report on time-variable electricity prices published

Time-variable electricity prices incentivize small consumers to use their growing flexibility potential in a system-oriented manner, by employing flexible consumption devices and storage facilities. Consentec, in cooperation with dena, has identified various concepts and business models of time-variable electricity prices and assessed their objectives and incentive effects. Additionally, we have examined regulatory barriers as well as implementation issues related to time-variable electricity prices, and discussed them with experts and stakeholders as part of the SET Hub initiative. The report is published here.


Next report of PKNS is available

On behalf of the BMWK, Consentec has been supporting and actively contributing the discussions of the "Platform for a climate-neutral power system" (PKNS) with scientific expertise together with other partners since the beginning of 2023. Subject of PKNS is a market design for a climate-neutral electricity system, which was discussed in an intensive stakeholder process throughout the last year. Consentec provided support and advice on the topics "flexibility", "locational signals" and "flexible capacities". At the end of this phase of PKNS, an "Integrated report on the work of the PKNS" is now available on the BMWK website.


Further development of the so-called “Redispatch 2.0” – publication of an expert report

During the implementation of Redispatch 2.0, several difficulties arose. In light of these significant challenges, the German regulator „Bundesnetzagentur“ intends to address the problems encountered in the pilot projects and is considering revising the approach to deal with imbalances resulting from redispatch, initiating a corresponding consultation process. To this end, they have initiated a determination procedure and engaged Christoph Maurer, Managing Director of Consentec, as an expert to analyze the difficulties encountered during the pilot projects and to develop proposed changes for the further development of the Redispatch 2.0 processes. The results of this analysis have now been published within an expert report. The report was published here (German).


Stromnetze in Ingolstadt – Vorbereitung auf die künftige Entwicklung von Last und Erzeugung

What load and generation increases are expected in the supply area of Stadtwerke Ingolstadt Netze? How well-prepared are the electric grids for this today? What needs to be done in the grids of Stadtwerke and regarding the connections to the upstream network substations? These questions have been addressed by Consentec on behalf of Stadtwerke Ingolstadt Netze. Essential findings can be found here (German).


Assessment on the financing concept for the hydrogen core network has been published

Consentec, as a partner in a consortium led by the Fraunhofer Research Institution for Energy Infrastructures and Geothermal Systems IEG worked on an assessment on the validation of the planned financing concept for the hydrogen core network on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action(BMWK). The concept envisages private-sector financing from standardised nationwide network charges up to the year 2055 in conjunction with an amortisation account model as well as a subsidiary state guarantee in the event that the hydrogen ramp-up should fail for reasons that cannot be foreseen today or should be much slower than expected. The BMWK has published the report here (German).


Policy paper “Unity in power, power in unity” released

The policy paper "Unity in power, power in unity" released today by the economic think tank BRUEGEL, which was contributed to by Consentec’s Managing Director Christoph Maurer, pointed out that the European energy market stands at a crossroads after the energy crisis. The EU must decide whether to deepen the cooperation in the internal energy market or whether member states primarily rely on uncoordinated national measures and interventions. The authors argue that the benefits of cooperation are significant and that deepening the internal market should be a primary energy policy objective. The paper will be presented at a high-level event in Brussels on February 28th, 2024.


Systemdienliche Integration von grünem Wasserstoff

On behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, Consentec worked on the project "Systemdienliche Integration von grünem Wasserstoff" in cooperation with Fraunhofer IEG, Fraunhofer ISI, Fraunhofer SCAI, Guidehouse Germany GmbH and the Technical University of Berlin. The project analysed possible approaches for integrating the supply of green hydrogen in Germany into the system, focusing on the market ramp-up phase up to the early 2030s. Quantitatively, various production strategies and location scenarios for electrolysers were analysed with the help of simulation models. In addition, it was discussed how the system integration of the production and use of green hydrogen can be suitably supported by means of policy instruments. The study is available online(German).


Financial contracts for differences: The problems with conventional CfDs in electricity markets and how forward contracts can help solve them

In collaboration with Ingmar Schlecht and Lion Hirth from “Neon Neue Energieökonomie GmbH”, our Managing Director Christoph Maurer has co-written an article on the topic of "Contracts for Differences" (CfDs). The article takes a closer look at the design of such contracts, taking into account the problems associated with conventional CfDs, and presents a joint proposal for a solution, the so-called "financial" CfD. The full article is now available online.


“Energiezone” podcast – Electricity grids in Germany

Our Managing Director Christoph Maurer was a guest on the "Energiezone" podcast, where he spoke with Alexander Graf and Ilan Momber about the importance and expansion of the electricity grids in Germany and the relevance of local price signals. The episode is available at (German).


EU study “Potentials and levels for the electrification of space heating in buildings” published

In a study for the European Commission, Consentec and other European scientific partners examined various decarbonization strategies for the space heating sector. Heating and cooling account for around 50% of the EU's energy consumption, with the majority coming from fossil fuels. Decarbonizing space heating is therefore crucial for achieving greenhouse gas neutrality by 2050. In the study, we analyzed different electrification options, including the direct use of heat pumps and indirect electrification through synthetic energy sources. The aim was to identify the most cost-effective level of electrification and discuss possible barriers. The analysis takes into account technical and economic aspects and covers the period up to 2050. Consentec was responsible for modeling the European electricity transmission and distribution grids as well as the European gas distribution grids. The study report is now available online. Quantitative results are also available as an Excel file.


Consentec enhances consulting team

Since June 2023, Janina Schwarz has joined Consentec's assistant team. And since July 2023, Jonas Derichs has joined Consentec's consulting team as a Junior Consultant. We warmly welcome Janina and Jonas.


Consentec supports the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) in designing a proactive “Using-instead-of-Curtailing” instrument

On behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), Consentec, in collaboration with further partners, is supporting the discussions of the "Platform for Climate-Neutral Power Systems" (PKNS) with scientific expertise in designing a proactive "Using-instead-of-Curtailing" instrument for heat loads and electrolyzers. The objective is to auction surplus electricity that cannot be integrated into the power system due to grid constraints. For several years, there has been a political demand for a tool to channel otherwise curtailed electricity into meaningful utilization. Thus far, no convincing approach has been developed that can reduce curtailment while remaining free from misincentives and compatible with the existing electricity market design. The instrument developed on behalf of the BMWK has been designed in a way to minimize potentially problematic interactions and unintended effects that could exacerbate grid constraints. Our contribution is available in the form of an input paper (in German) on the BMWK's website.


Interims report relating to the platform for a climate-neutral power system of the BMWK and the coalition parliamentary parties published

Consentec supports the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) in cooperation with further partners with its scientific expertise on the platform for a climate-neutral power system (in German: Plattform klimaneutrales Stromsystem – PKNS). The coalition agreement of the current government parties set up this platform as a stakeholder process for developing approaches that will be applied for the electricity market design in a largely climate-neutral electricity system. The substantive discussion so far has taken place in various working groups with Consentec supporting the working group "Flexible Capacities" and "Locational Signals" providing some technical input. The first interim report (de) being published reproduces the discussion on the PKNS and describes the main takeaways emerged from the previous sessions.


Study demand side options to strengthen security of supply in Switzerland published

In cooperation with ZHAW, Consentec has investigated for the Swiss Federal Office of Energy how consumers could contribute to strengthen the security of supply / resource adequacy in Switzerland through sustained load reduction or load shifting and which instruments could be used to leverage possible potentials. In particular, a concrete design proposal for a demand reserve to combat emerging electricity shortages was developed. Alternatively, approaches were analyzed on how market price signals for a larger number of consumers could become an efficient incentive signal. The study is available online.


Case study for the planned Grid Booster pilot projects

Fluence commissioned Consentec to perform a case study for the planned Grid Booster pilot projects and analyze which additional services could be provided by Grid Booster batteries without causing any limitations to the battery’s primary transmission asset use case. Besides ancillary services like the provision of inertia, reactive power, short-circuit power and the contribution to network restoration, possibilities of an intermittent participation in energy wholesale markets are considered. Furthermore, the study highlights the required changes to today’s operational and regulatory procedures for realizing the provision of these additional services.


Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection has published the report of the Federal Network Agency on the status and development of resource adequacy

The Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection has published the report of the Federal Network Agency (in German: Bundesnetzagentur) on the status and development of resource adequacy. The report provided by the Federal Network Agency is based on the requirements of article 51 of the Energy Act. It relies on the results of two independent scientific analyses. One of these two reports was provided by Consentec in cooperation with the Institute of Energy Economics and Rational Energy Use (IER) and the research institute for energy economics and industry (Forschungsstelle für Energiewirtschaft e.V. FfE). The assessments to which the report refers have not yet been published. We will inform you as soon as it is available. This is the report (de) of the Bundesnetzagentur. Furthermore, this is the associated press release (de) including the recommendations for action derived by the Federal Government.


Grid Boosters as innovative solution to optimize power grids – How Storage as Transmission Assets increase the utilization of transmission lines in EHV grids

Fluence commissioned Consentec to investigate the potential of grid boosters as an innovative solution to optimize power grids by increasing the utilization of transmission lines in EHV grids. The study explores the innovative concept and operational model of German grid booster projects and how similar projects can drive socio-economic value in other power grids around the world.


Consentec enhances consulting team

Effective December 2022, Alexander Hobert joins the consulting team of Consentec as junior consultants. We warmly welcome Alexander as a colleague in our team.


Consentec enhances consulting team

Effective November 2022, Dr Moritz Schillinger and Moritz Maercks join the consulting team of Consentec as junior consultants. We warmly welcome our new colleagues.


Consentec enhances consulting team

Effective September 2022, Johanna Siekmann and Max Wertenbruch join the consulting team of Consentec as junior consultants. We give Johanna and Max a warm welcome.
